News and real-life stories

We’re here for children and young people with special education needs and disabilities, young carers and families. ​We’re on a mission to create a world where all kinds of kids have all kinds of opportunities. ​

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, Maria Miller MP, and Katie Ghose, Chief Executive of Kids sit with children at Kids' Basingstoke Nursery
19 Jan 2024

The Prime Minister visits Kids nursery

Rishi Sunak's visit to our Basingstoke nursery provided an opportunity to experience a truly inclusive setting. Read more.

A group photo of young carers
Real-life stories
11 Jan 2024

Lyndsey’s story

Read about Lyndsey, aged 13, who became a young carer when her dad suffered a stroke.

Young carers outdoors
Real-life stories
11 Jan 2024

Mary’s story

Read about Mary, a 16-year-old young carer who looks after her mum and brother.

Three people posing together
30 Dec 2023

Kids annual review | 2022-23

Find out how we've created life-changing opportunities for children and young people with SEND.

A boy laughing in artificial rain
18 Dec 2023

Our 2023 recap

See how we've been breaking down barriers for children and young people with SEND.

A child walking while holding a lunch bag.
Real-life stories
23 Nov 2023

Chloe’s story

Read about Chloe's journey at our Basingstoke Nursery.

A young girl plays in the rain.
26 Oct 2023

Our new look

Welcome to the new Kids brand. It’s all about positivity and empowerment. Celebrating individuality and speaking up for change.

18 Oct 2023

Kids’ response to the Disability Action Plan consultation 2023-2024

Read our response to the Disability Action Plan. It's all about accessible playgrounds, assistive technology and digital inclusion.

A staff member and a child are standing outside with their arms up in the air. There are water drops falling on them.
11 Oct 2023

Kids Manifesto for Change

Find out where Government action is needed to transform the lives of disabled children and young people.

Asher and her parents are photographed together. They are at an event.
Real-life stories
9 Oct 2023

Asher’s story

Asher is 18 years old, has autism and a Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) profile. Read her story.

Joseph and Rachel are photographed together. Rachel is standing behind Joseph, both hands on his shoulders. They are smiling.
Real-life stories
9 Oct 2023

Joseph and Rachel’s story

Joseph has attended our Hayward Playground for over ten years. His mum, Rachel, shares their story.

Hamza is crouched on the floor, playing with trucks in a sand tray.
Early years
9 Oct 2023

Hamza’s story

Hamza is three years old and attends the Kids Family Group in Birmingham. Read his story.