News and real-life stories

We’re here for children and young people with special education needs and disabilities, young carers and families. ​We’re on a mission to create a world where all kinds of kids have all kinds of opportunities. ​

Ivy is crawling over a wooden bridge. She is wearing a puffy white coat and pink tights.
Early years
8 Jun 2021

Ivy’s story

Read about Ivy's journey at our Wylde Green Nursery.

A photo of 14 year old Ben. He has tapered blonde hair and is wearing a black hoodie with red drawstrings and the Lincoln City F.C. logo on the right.
Real-life stories
19 Mar 2021

Ben’s story

Find out how Ben has been raising money during the pandemic to support our STRUT After School Club.

Real-life stories
19 Mar 2021

Carly’s story

Carly shares how Kids has helped with her confidence and empowered her to use her voice to advocate for other young disabled people.

Taylor is at an event, holding a carved pumpkin in her hands. Her long brown hair in a ponytail and she is wearing a grey jacket and black trousers.
Real-life stories
19 Mar 2021

Taylor’s story

Find out how our short breaks have helped Taylor become more independent, whilst also providing respite for the rest of the family.

Jessica is sitting on a high chair. She has short brown hair and a thick fringe.
Early years
17 Mar 2021

Jessica’s story

Jessica's mum shares how the Kids crèche in Lincolnshire has helped to improve her daughter's development and confidence.

Joseph is sitting on a caterpillar rider. He is holding a teddy in the air while shouting/laughing.
Early years
17 Mar 2021

Joseph’s story

Joseph's mum writes about the support they received from our Wylde Green nursery.

A small set of table and chairs for toddlers to sit on. There are sheets of paper and other items on the table.
Real-life stories
28 Jan 2020

Mitchell’s story

Mitchell's mum talks about their experience at our Lincolnshire Nursery and Holiday Club.

Karanjit is standing in front of a pink wall. He is wearing a grey coat and square eyeglasses. He has thick wavy hair.
Real-life stories
23 Jan 2020

Karanjit’s story

Karanjit's mum talks about the impact the service has had on their family.

There is a white board placed on a table. On the whiteboard there are orange, green, yellow, blue and purple cubes.
Early years
16 Sep 2019

Tommy’s story

Tommy's mum talks about their experience getting support from our Basingstoke Nursery.

A young man is playing ping pong. He is about to hit a ball which is flying towards him. He is wearing a grey t-shirt and a cap.
Real-life stories
7 Aug 2019

Harry’s story

June, Harry’s mum, talks about the impact of short breaks on the family.

There is a blue mat on the grass with sensory items sitting on top.
Real-life stories
21 Nov 2018

Charlie’s story

Charlie's mum explains how receiving support from Kids has improved the quality of their family life.

Dan and a staff member are photographed in front of a Go Ape contraption. The staff member is pointing up at Dan.
Real-life stories
28 Aug 2018

Dan’s short break at Go Ape

Stephan, Hounslow short breaks worker, shares his recent experience going to Go Ape with young person Dan.