Heather’s story
Heather had dropped out of education because he needs were not being met. Read her story.
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We’re here for children and young people with special education needs and disabilities, young carers and families. We’re on a mission to create a world where all kinds of kids have all kinds of opportunities.
22 results
Heather had dropped out of education because he needs were not being met. Read her story.
Harriet was being bullied and had started refusing to go to school. Her mum had approached the school informally about the lack of support for Harriet but hadn't had a satisfactory response.
Ethan's family needed help with Ethan's EHC Plan. They were being asked to sign documents they didn't understand.
Triplets Danny, Jessie and Joey each needed an EHC plan. But they had been incorrectly refused. With support from Kids SENDIASS the family got the support they were entitled to.
Daniel wanted to join the Navy but he was struggling to find his place in education. Kids SENDIASS team worked with Daniel and his family to win his trust so that a needs assessment could be made to support him on his way.
Connor needed support to be able to attend education. With help from Kids SENDIASS a plan was put in place that led to him being able to move back into education.
Chloe was getting confused messages from her college about her studies. Kids SENDIASS team supported her to complain to the college so they could put things right.
Cameron couldn't attend mainstream school. Kids SENDIASS team supported his family to get the Education Health and Care Plan he needed so that he could get the support he was entitled to.
Andrew needed support to be able to take the woodworking course he wanted at college. With support from Kids SENDIASS he got the support he needed.
Alan needed support in school but wasn't getting it. With help from Kids SENDIASS he got the support he was entitled to.