Information, advice, and support for people in Lewisham on disability and special educational needs.
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Free and impartial information, advice, and support for the families of children and young people with disabilities or special educational needs.
SENDIASS stands for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Service.
It’s a free, impartial, and confidential service offering information to young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and to their parents and carers.
There is a SENDIAS Service in every local authority in England. Kids provide a number of these services. Use our search box below to find out if we offer a SENDIAS service where you live and get in touch with our experienced and supportive staff by phone or email.
We also provide information on a wide range of SEND topics for anyone to access. See our Information and Advice section below. And we have a dedicated YouTube channel that offers free information and training webinars, as well as local content in those area where we host a SENDIAS service.
Type in your postcode to find if Kids has a SENDIAS service in your area.
SENDIASS is a completely independent and impartial service. All SENDIAS services are funded by local authorities. However, they are required by law to be at arm’s length of the local authority and to provide impartial information, advice, and support. For more information about how we ensure impartiality and confidentiality please see our policies page.
Our SENDIAS services strive for the highest quality. The government publishes Minimum Standards for SENDIASS. Kids aims to meet and exceed those standards in all our work. Our staff are all highly experienced and knowledgeable. They receive regular training and updates on all aspects of SEND policy and legislation so they can advise you and your family on your rights. You can watch a short animation about the minimum standards.
We’re here for children and young people with special education needs and disabilities, young carers and family members.
We’re on a mission to create a world where all kinds of children and young people have all kinds of opportunities.
We create life-changing opportunities by providing, finding and inventing a wide range of support. Together, we’ll empower you to stand up for your rights.