Information & advice

SEND in Education

SEND in education refers to the additional support provided to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities, helping them thrive, learn and develop.

SEND Support in Education

There are many support services and funding for children and young people with SEND, from early years through to adulthood. If you think your child may have special educational needs, contact the SEN co-ordinator, or ‘SENCO’ in your child’s school or nursery.


Learn more about the support available for early years children under 5 with SEND, as well as the positive impact of early intervention.


Find out about the support available for children with SEND in primary and secondary schools, and how needs are assessed and met.

16+ Support

Discover the different avenues and ways to support young people when leaving school and transitioning to adulthood.

Support Frameworks

Educational settings, such as schools, are required to follow specific frameworks and plans to provide the support needed to meet your child’s individual needs and ensure they have an equal opportunity to thrive.

Education, Health and Care Plans

Explore what an Education, Health and Care Plan is, who can benefit from an EHCP and how to apply for one.

SEND Code of Practice

Discover what the SEND Code of Practice means and how this supports children with SEND in schools and services.

SEND Local Offer

A Local Offer is your one-stop-shop for information about the services available for young people with SEND where you live.

School Anxiety

School can be a challenging experience for children with SEND. If your child is struggling or feeling anxious, you can find more information and support here.

1:1 Support for Parents

We offer personalised one-on-one support for parents and carers by connecting you with an expert SEND practitioner.

Whether it’s help with forms or guidance through a tribunal process, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

All Guides

SEND in Education

Understanding the SEND Code of Practice

Understand the SEND Code of Practice: a key guide on support and rights for children with SEND.

SEND in Education

SEND support in schools

Learn about SEND support in schools and how to ensure your child gets the support they need.

SEND in Education

SEND in Early Years

Discover support for children 0-5 with SEND: types of education settings, EYFS framework, and SENCO role.

SEND in Education

Post-16 education

Discover post-16 options for young people with SEND, such as further education and apprenticeships.

SEND in Education

Understanding EHCPs

Discover what an EHCP is, how it can support your child and how to apply for one.



Learn how anxiety affects children and young people with SEND and practical strategies to support your child.


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Discover the different types of SEND and how to support children with SEND.



Learn about the signs of ADHD, the pathway to diagnosis and practical tips to support children with ADHD.



Learn about the signs of autism, the pathway to diagnosis and discover practical tips to support autistic children.


SEND law in Scotland

Scotland has a distinct approach to SEND support with its own laws and approaches. This Guide introduces the landscape.

SEND in Education

School meetings

Attending a meeting about your child at school can be difficult. Find out how to get the most from school meetings.


The Local Offer

Find out about your Local Offer, a directory of SEND services near you.


SEND Glossary

Our jargon buster will help you get to grips with SEND terminology.


Who’s who in SEND

A guide to the titles and roles of various professionals you might come across in your SEND journey.